Sunday, August 28, 2011

Breathing a sigh of relief

I was talking with some friends at a picnic today. After a few questions about my new endeavor, they expressed relief that I wasn't planning to hit them up to become customers. Interesting response. I'll need to find out more of what was behind it.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Risk... and markets

The term "market" is often used by insurance agents, referring to insurance companies, and I've wondered why for a long time. In the common mind-set, I as the consumer often assume that I am "buying" insurance. Thus, I would be the market for the insurer in the most common "consumer's" perspective.

However, if we look at this from a "risk" perspective, I am actually asking the insurance company to take on my risk for a price (premium). Essentially, I am selling risk... and I've got to find a market for that risk. Fortunately, the insurance industry specializes in putting the two markets together.