Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Attack

I am amazed how conditioned people are... I've recently sent out an email to a few people, asking them if they'd be willing to share their input and opinion about an insurance program their association has endorsed. I've received replies like "No thank-you" and "I don't want to get involved with this at this time."

Are we conditioned to assume that all such requests will end up as sales calls?


  1. Of COURSE they thought it was a sales call.
    Probably because it was a sales call.

  2. Thank-you, Brutus. Your point is well-taken... a sales-guy interacting with with a prospect would likely smell like a sales call. I believe it is a significant misconception, though, that all human interaction can be distilled to a most pragmatic form of sales. In truth, I was only looking for feedback so I could ascertain both the strength of the program and the public perception. Without such input, my role would remain undefined.
