Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just a donation [part 3 & Final Comments]

One day recently, I received an email that expressed a unsettlingly common dilemma quite a bit more clearly than most subtle hints I have received. “...unless you can provide equal coverage with a premium savings of 10% or more, and donate to the [non-profit organization] cash in excess of $10,000 per year and provide volunteers to the tune of 300hrs plus per year, I don’t think we need to talk.”
It seemed clear enough. My reply (hopefully gracious) included brief comment on the Ethical ramifications of the request.

Ethical: Thinking about “expected donations” in terms of “kick-back” or “bribe” may help clarify a bit. Even though it is for a good cause, I have struggled to bring myself to believe that an expected donation is considered “fair business practice.” Assuming that we derive our ethical principles from the Bible, there seems to be some instruction that we are not to engage in dishonest or immoral business practices. Exodus 23:7 mentions bribery, Deuteronomy 25:13-16 discusses the use of differing measures in business. In addition, the scriptures seem to teach that we ought to be above reproach in all we do (Numbers 32:22; 1 Tim 3:2; Titus 1:6) and that bribes and greed can get us into lots of trouble (Proverbs 15:27). I’m still amazed every time it is suggested that I make a donation to be recognized. 
Final Comments & Thoughts: Incidentally, I did recently receive a reply to my response, indicating that I completely misunderstood the email as a mandate for a donation and volunteer hours. It was actually just intended to communicate that they “do like their current broker and have not plan or desire to part ways with him.” That is a much simpler answer to contend with. Regardless, we have faced the same issue with quite a few other non-profit organizations. And while we’d like the opportunity to work together, we find it unappealing, illegal, unethical and un-Biblical. We believe that our contributions are a matter between us and God – and we strive to honor Him in all that we do.

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