Thursday, July 19, 2012

6 inches from the hospital

Lydia (my wife) and I were out for a walk in the neighborhood last week when we noticed a small white car slowing down behind us. When I turned around to look, the driver turned the car to avoid my wife (by about 6 inches) and drove on down the road. Strange! But we didn't think much more about it.

About 5 minutes later, we rounded the corner and saw the same white car parked in the field straight across from the end of the street. Turns out, the driver was diabetic and having serious troubles. It looked like he was having a seizure and had blacked out. I checked his pulse as he consistently flinched... it was around 160 beats per minute. While we waited for 911 to arrive, the driver came to, said he had to go and drove off.

I realized quickly how easily that could have been me. Would I stay put and wait for 911 - or drive home to take care of myself?

So, what does this have to do with insurance? It could have had everything to do with insurance if one of us had been hit by his car. The line between "almost" and "did" was just 6 inches thick.

~ Jon

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